Many men are insecure about their penis size and question whether they can please their partners. This has led to a lot of exploitation in the supplement industry, which is overflowing with penis enlargement pills.
Some of these “magical cures”, which claim to increase the size of your penis, have not been proven effective. Some of these methods can cause serious side effects, while others may not work at all.
There are many great developments in male health medicine. The ProExtender penile organ-enlargement system has been developed to help men. It claims to increase the size and length of their penis naturally, without side effects.
Is ProExtender really worth it? What is the secret to its success? This review will explain how the solution has gained worldwide popularity.
What is ProExtender?
ProExtender is a penis-enlargement system. It was developed to increase users’ penile size . The system uses traction force. This system was developed by Dr. Jorn E.Siana from Denmark. It has been used worldwide for years and is considered one of the best ways to increase penile size.
ProExtender’s purpose is to safely increase penile size naturally and without side effects. ProExtender has been recommended to patients and the general public by urologists and surgeons.
What Does ProExtender Do?
ProExtender works by stretching the penile organ. The device can be used by men to allow their bodies to respond to it by adding more cells and mass to the penis. The complete set also contains penis-enlarging supplement to ensure that users get all the help they need to grow their penile organ.
ProExtender promises three main advantages:
- To increase the length of penile organ
- To make the penile organ more thick
- To straighten your penis
Consumers should familiarize themselves with the contents of the system before they use it. The ProExtender system consists of three male enhancement and penis-enlargement tools. The ProExtender penis-enlargement device, Erectin male enhancement pills and the Semenax semen volumizer pills are all included in the package. These tools can be combined to improve length, girth and appearance of the penile organs.
ProExtender is an innovative penis enlargement system that’s not typical. It works in the same way as traditional traction devices, but it does so differently to ensure users have pain-free and optimal traction.
ProExtender’s Benefits
The ProExtender system can assist users to add up to 1.45 inches if used consistently, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, as described on the official website.
The effectiveness of the device was revealed in a 1998 study that was presented at the 1 International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Genitourinary Rehabilitation Surgery. Here are some potential benefits to ProExtender.
- It can increase the size of your peniles
- This leads to better erections
- This causes an increase in the size of your peniles.
- It works naturally, without any discomfort or pain
- It is non-invasive and offers additional safety
- It can straighten a bent penis
- It increases sexual satisfaction
ProExtender Downsides
ProExtender is just like any other product:
- You can only purchase it online at the official website
- Stock limited
- It is expensive
Is ProExtender Safe?
ProExtender, according to the official website is a safe option to enlarge your penile organs. The first-time user may feel some discomfort for the first few weeks. This is normal as the skin adjusts to the device. To ensure the device is in the best possible traction, it is important that users read the manual before they use the device.
There are currently no known side effects of ProExtender. This device has been featured in various mainstream media outlets, including Men’s Health, New York Times and BBC. Some men want to have a larger penis, while others desire to stay in bed longer.
Whatever the reason, ProExtender uses natural methods to help men gain larger penile organs and more stamina. ProExtender helps men have more sexual desire and easier erections.
ProExtender is 100% safe and causes no harm to the user. This is in contrast to surgery which can lead to permanent nerve damage and erectile dysfunction. ProExtender is a medical-grade device that enables traction to be performed naturally and without pain.
How to Use ProExtender
Now it’s time for you to test it out. Additional bars are included with the device. These bars attach easily to the device. They attach to the device easily with spring-loaded bars.
As per the manual, the first step is to place your padding on top of the penis. Next, tighten the silicon noose. The device is comfortable and fits over the penis without discomfort. The unit can be worn for up to an hour each day during the first week, and then it can be worn for two hours in the second week.
The device is comfortable and easy to wear every day. The ProExtender includes a cushion to provide the required comfort. The device also allows you to adjust the traction force from 300g to 1200g. Each mark on the bar provides an additional 300g force.
The ProExtender device is made up of these parts:
- The basal plastic ring has a recess to the urethra
- To adjust the device’s traction, two metal bars are used, one with a right-handed and one with left-handed threads.
- Hidden in a tube is a spring contrivance
- Two bars of plastic are attached to a support made from plastic. They have two holes at their distal ends. These holes are for the silicon tube which holds the penis.
- The basal ring should be fastened at the base of your penis to ensure proper use. Also, make sure that the metal bars are parallel. The bowl-shaped portion of the device should be used as the penis’ headrest.
- Insert the ends of the silicone tube into the holes in both the plastic supports. This creates a loop through which the penis can pass. The device can be adjusted using two thumbscrews.
ProExtender Cost
ProExtender is currently available for purchase on the official website at To avoid imitation products that claim to offer the same benefits, the manufacturer advises customers to only purchase from the official website. Although the price tag is high, the device can be used for a lifetime and will provide long-lasting benefits. The long-term benefits are worth the price. The current prices are:
- ProExtender Basic Package starting at $149
- ProExtender Deluxe Package at $229
- ProExtender Ultimate Package at $497
There are additional benefits to the Ultimate and Deluxe packages. The Deluxe package includes Erectin and Semenax, which can help with erections and orgasms.
The Ultimate package also includes a lifetime membership with coaching and free membership. It also includes the Erectin as well as the Semenax tablets. Each package includes a six-month guarantee of money back. If ProExtender does not meet your needs, you can contact the company within six month to receive a full refund. It is a risk-free investment.
ProExtender Final Verdict
For men with smaller penile organs, the ProExtender device may be a better choice. Positive testimonials have been left by users about the device . They claim it has worked well for them. The device is simple to use and produces results without side effects.
ProExtender’s manufacturer encourages men not to use supplements that don’t work. Instead, they should try this device to meet their needs. Users should be patient. The product doesn’t deliver results in an instant. Real change may take several months.