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Hot Movies contains an enormous archive of movie from over 2,300 studios including Evil Angel, Girlfriend Films, Realty Kings, Brazzers, Wicked Pictures and many more. Hot Movies is truly a one-stop shop for the porn enthusiast who wants to browse movies by all the top studios and well as the up and coming studios.
Hot Movies is very well organized and has the broadest range of categories ever seen. Some of the unique categories are movies organized by the AVN Award Nominees, Best Film Winners By Year and Xbiz Award Winners. There is something definitely for everyone here. If you’re into more mature porn, you can choose from Milfs, 40+, 50+, and grannies. The Oral category provides movies organized by blowjobs, cum-eating, gagging, glory holes, deep throating and swallowing. If you grew up during the golden age of porn, you can see some of the classics in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and vintage. The category selection available is mind blowing.
Lots of different membership options are available. You can purchase minutes starting at $9.95 and the more minutes you purchase; the more bonus minutes are included. There is a monthly plan for 310 minutes the first month and 270 every 30 days after that. You can earn reward points and free clip credits each month.
There are 7-day and lifetime streaming rentals that let you watch your rented movies as many times as you want for the rental period you choose. For the best viewing experience Hot Movies recommends Google Chrome on a Windows and MAC computer. Overall Hot Movies is competitively priced for a VOD site and has new releases daily.
Number of Movies: 239,000+
HD Porn: Yes
Streaming: Yes
Average Length: 20 mins
Download Limit: N/A
MP4 : 1920x1080
MP4: 1280x720
Pic Sets: N/A
Pics Per Set: N/A
Zip Sets: No
Pic Res: N/A
High Res: No
Membership Options
$9.95 – 69 minute plan
$19.95 – 200 minute plan
$29.95 – 300 minute plan
$49.95 – 515 minute plan
$86.95 – 1000 minute plan
$199.95 – 2300 minute plan